Tang Prize Newsletter
2020 Tang Prize Award Ceremony Goes Virtual on November 20, 2021


2020 Tang Prize Award Ceremony >>>

The Tang Prize Foundation will hold the “2020 Tang Prize Award Ceremony” at 2p.m. Taipei time (GMT+8), on November 20, 2021. Eight laureates will get online in their respective countries to receive the awards and make acceptance speeches. Viewers all over the world are cordially invited to take part in this joyful celebration of the outstanding achievements of our 2020 laureates.

LIVE STREAM for Award Ceremony

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2020 Tang Prize Laureate Lecture >>>

In conjunction with the forthcoming award ceremony, eight laureate’s lectures have been scheduled for November 20 and 27. Anyone interested in topics related to sustainable development, biopharmaceutical science, Sinology, and the rule of law is welcomed to visit the Foundation’s website and YouTube channel on these two Saturdays to watch these masters’ insightful analysis of issues concerning ecological conservation and environmental education, basic research on cytokines and the treatment of autoimmune diseases, the future of China, as well as human rights, social justice and democracy. Several laureates will also share stories about the challenges they encountered when pursing their goals in their specific fields and how they were able to adopt a different mindset and found the solutions they needed.

These events will be occasions where you can witness the laureates’ noble spirit and learn about their great contributions and great vision. It’s time for us to pay more attention to the sustainable development of our planet.For more information, please go to our official website: www.tang-prize.org), and Facebook page: www.facebook.come/tangprize/.

Tang Prize Foundation Newsletter
2020 Tang Prize Award Ceremony Goes Virtual on November 20, 2021