實驗生物學國際組織大會2019- 唐獎專題演講
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官方網站 http://experimentalbiology.org/2019/home.aspx
活動名稱 實驗生物學國際組織大會2019
活動日期 2019年4月6-9日
地點 奧蘭多,佛羅里達州,美國
早鳥註冊 2019年2月5日前
預先註冊 2019年3月20日前
全額註冊 2019年3月21日至4月9日
唐獎演講日期與時間 2019年4月6日(六) 18:00-19:00
唐獎得主 2018生技醫藥得主布萊恩‧德魯克爾(Brian J. Druker)
唐獎演講題目 Imatinib as a Paradigm of Targeted Cancer Therapies
唐獎演講大綱 Abl is a tyrosine kinase, the gene of which upon translocation to a different chromosomal site (Bcr [breakpoint cluster region]) becomes constitutively active. In addition to Abl, Gleevec also inhibits Kit, PDGF and other tyrosine kinase oncoproteins. It has been useful in the treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and certain types of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) where Kit is overexpressed. Now there are more than 29 TKIs which have been approved for clinical use. Clearly, Dr. Druker’s first successful trials heralded this still burgeoning targeted therapy era. Dr. Druker was also involved in the development of the 4G10 antibody (at Thomas Robert’s lab) which recognizes phosphotyrosine and was used by Novartis colleagues in the screening of Gleevec. Thus, Dr. Druker’s contributions are in both the development and application of Gleevec, which was the first successful example of tyrosine kinase-targeted therapy by small molecule inhibitors.
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