Milgis Trust: Kenyan Wildlife Conservation

  • Gro Harlem Brundtland
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Plan information
Project Term: 2015-2019
Budget: NT$5 million

Origin: The Tang Prize is awarded on a biennial basis, each with a cash reward of NT$40 million. Projects proposed by the laureates also receive a grant of up to NT$10 million.

Project Summary: Brundtland donated half of her grant (NT$5 million) to the Milgis Trust, a wildlife conservation organization operating in the Milgis Lugga area of Northern Kenya. Grant funds are used for “Community based conservation of wild African elephant in the Matthews and Ndoto mountain ecosystems, Northern Kenya.”

Press Release:
An Elephantine Task: Tang Prize Promotes Preservation and Sustainability in Kenya 
Tang Prize Sees Sustainability in Action at Wildlife Conservation Trust 

Related link:

Relead Information:
Milgis Trust Progress Update 2017
Conservation Education 2017

Final Report: