Yu Ying-shih Fellowship for the Humanities

  • Yu Ying-shih
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Plan information
Project Term:2015-2019
Budget: NT$ 10 million

Origin: The Tang Prize is awarded on a biennial basis, each with a cash reward of NT$40 million. Projects proposed by the laureates also receive a grant of up to NT$10 million.

Project summary: Active from May 2015 through 2019, the fellowship is intended to support promising researchers and scholars in the humanities fields with the financial assistance needed to complete dissertations and other larger academic works. The focus of the fellowship is on research spanning the many fields of the humanities and Sinology, including history, linguistics, archaeology, philosophy, religion, classical studies, literary studies, and the arts. Young scholars under the age of 45 in any of the recognized fields engaged in the writing of a doctoral thesis or academic publication are eligible to apply for the fellowship. Each year, six recipients are named as fellowship recipients: three recipients for the Academic Publication Scholarship, worth NT$360,000 each; and three recipients for the Dissertation Scholarship, worth NT$240,000 each.

Press release :
Yu Ying-Shih Fellowship Recipients Announced 
Yu Ying-shih Humanistic Research Award won by 6 young scholars
2017 Yu Ying-shih Prize for Humanities Research Fellowship Awarded
2018 Yu Ying-shih Fellowship Awarded after Highly Rigorous Selection Process
Jenn-Chuan Chern Expects Yu Yin-Shih Fellowship Recipients to be Future Tang Prize Winners
How the Generosity of Yu Yin-Shih Has Benefited 30 Young Scholars

News Report:
Tang laureate establishes scholarship for young researchers
Six young scholars receive Yu Ying-shih Humanistic Research Award
Humanities award’s prize can bolster research: awardees

Related link:
The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica