Origin: The Tang Prize is awarded on a biennial basis, each with a cash reward of NT$40 million. Projects proposed by the laureates also receive a grant of up to NT$10 million
Project Summary: The 2018 laureate in Rule of Law, Professor Joseph Raz, was a fellow of Balliol College and professor of the Philosophy of Law in the University of Oxford. Throughout his work in Oxford, supervision of doctoral students was a central aspect of Professor Raz’s contribution to the study of the rule of law, and to the fields of law and philosophy in general. Professor Raz decides to use the NT$10 million research grant to set up the Tang Scholarships, which will enable gifted students to pursue the study of law and philosophy in the outstanding doctoral programmes in Law and Philosophy in the University of Oxford. The Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Law will put forward their best candidates for a central University selection panel to make decisions and Balliol College will have final approval of the recipient. The objective of the proposed scholarship is to sustain and carry forward a major contribution to the theory of law, morality, and politics, in areas of crucial importance to the rule of law.