Tang Prize Exhibit Back in Kaohsiung

  • Tang Prize Exhibit Back in Kaohsiung
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A Tang Prize exhibition area is now open in the eastern wing of the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung, where the four prize fields and their inaugural laure-ates will be on display. A real-size gilt bronze replica of the Tang Prize medal is also on display at the museum, alongside short films on the accomplishments of the five inau-gural laureates. If you find yourself in Kaohsiung, be sure to stop by and take a look!

Exhibition: Glory of the Tang Prize: The Inaugural Laureates exhibition area

Location: East wing of National Science and Technology Museum(No. 720, Jiuru 1st Rd, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, 807)

Exhibition Hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Closed on Mondays and Chinese New Year

Phone: 07-3800089