Günter Wermekes is nominated for the design of the Tang Prize Medel (Red Dot)

  • Günter Wermekes is nominated for the design of the Tang Prize Medel
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Red Dot

Günter Wermekes – jewellery designer, Red Dot juror and responsible for the Red Dot Trophy: At the suggestion of Red Dot he is now chosen as one of the candidates to present the design of the “Tang Prize” medal. In 2013, the Red Dot Trophy was awarded at the gala of the Red Dot Award: Product Design, for the first time. On July 2014, on stage of the Aalto-Theater in Essen it will be given to the winners of the Red Dot: Best of the Best again.

As currently announced, Günter Wermekes is in the final round with the top ten designers. Out of 61 applicants, Günter Wermekes was chosen to present his concept in Taiwan in May 2014. All of the ten jewellery designers will present four medals for the different prize categories.

The “Tang Prize” is regarded the new Asian Nobel Prize and will be awarded in four categories. These rely to the sponsoring of first class support measures that positively contribute to human development: The distinction awarded for sustainable development, biopharmaceutical science, sinology (except literary works) and constitutionality.

Günter Wermekes stated to the design portalRed Dot 21: “To get the possibility as a designer to give this prize a “face” in form of a medal made of pure gold is an extraordinary and unique challenge. I am very happy and proud to be one of the nominated designers who will present their concepts to an international jury in Taipei.”